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6d 7f b7 69 4c 7f 47 9c e9 4d c7 a3 8c 15 9e f6 48 f1 95 46 e4 bc 80 9c 07 0d a0 1a 6e e3 ec 8a 86 5f 50 01 40 10 It is not that Paul is unmindful of the fact that the Lord is able to work through any one of us, and therefore he prudently seeks the cooperation of all the saints in the work which he has begun (cf. 4:7–11). He then proceeds to give illustrations from all parts of Christ's earthly life. The illustration of the centurion who was a "good soldier of the divine light," who believed in Christ, but yet did not understand the depth of His suffering, and how the Christ-life could well up in such a way as to necessitate His death upon the Cross, is, as Paul himself here shows, instructive for those who are misled and trapped by the same influences in the Christian life. The story of the eager disciples who saw the Lord on the road, but then felt that they "knew not him which said unto them, I am" (cf. v. 9), is an illustration of those who thought that they were Christians and were living in an unspiritual way; and it shows, too, how such people are found in every Christian society. However, Paul does not want the Lord to be thought of merely as a centurion, or as a disciple who would have taken to his house Jesus in like manner as he had, had he been in a position to do so; the account does not reveal the darkness of the unbeliever's soul; rather it reveals the Lord's humility and His greatness. He must be revealed not only as the great Master, but as the Saviour of mankind. Paul begins to give illustrations from the works of the hands of the Lord, i.e., the two miracles of healing of the centurion and the woman with the issue of blood, but in order to give a still deeper illustration of the Lord's wonderful nature he asks the question, 'What did those people think who witnessed the Lord's miracles?' (v. 11). The story of the people who witnessed the two miracles, and of the Spirit of God descending like fire, is intended as a contrast to the experiences of those who have witnessed similar works of the Lord, and they were, of course, disciples of the Lord, and 01e38acffe corel draw 12 free download full version filehippo 677 corel draw 12 free download full version filehippo 677 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw to illustrator tool filehippo 047 how to convert corel draw

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